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The Mobile Library
Summer Opening Hours (24. jun. - 31. avg.):
doesn´t drive
Opening Hours:
Monday-Friday 8-18
Saturday 8-12
Summer Opening Hours: (24. jun. - 31. avg.):
doesn´t drive
Opening Hours:
Monday-Friday 8-18
Saturday 8-12
Zagrebška 18, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia

The Mobile Library


The mobile library is a branch
of Maribor Public Library. It includes the bibliobus and the mobile library material collections that are setup in various institutions, public establishments, residential homes for people with special needs, and cultural associations. The mobile library offers approximately 110,000 items, which are regularly rotated and updated on the bibliobus and on locations of mobile library collections (literature and professional reading for kids, the youth and adults, newspapers and magazines, DVDs, CDs, CD-ROMs).

Mobile library is a branch of special social significance. Its librarians are very aware of this on their journeys which for some people represent a pleasant change in their routine or a rare contact with the external world. Librarians bring them news and are able to discuss different topics with their visitors. That is why it is important for librarians not only to have solid professional knowledge, but also good social and communication skills as well as some knowledge of psychology. With its regular visits the mobile library establishes precious ties between people... More...

Zagrebška 18, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
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