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Instructions to authors of contributions

Authors should send their contributions to andreja.erdlen@mb.sik.si.

Contributions to the journal Otrok in knjiga are written in Slovene and exceptionally in a foreign language upon agreement with the editorial board.

Submissions for publication in the journal are expected to be professionally and scientifically correct, linguistically correct and stylistically appropriate. The author guarantees that the contribution has not been published elsewhere and is not in the process of being published in another publication.

Articles in the ‘Treatises - Articles and Reviews – Views’ section are peer-reviewed. Depending on the reviewer's opinion, the editorial board may invite the author to revise or amend the article accordingly. The editorial board reserves the right to reject articles with negative reviews.

Text should be in Times New Roman font, 12 point, 1.5 spacing. The length of the contributions in the ‘Discussion – Articles’ section should not exceed 45 000 characters including spaces. Papers should have an abstract in Slovene and English (up to 300 characters) and a summary (up to 2000 characters). The abstract should be followed by 5 keywords in Slovene and English. A translation into English may be provided by the editors in exceptional cases.

Other contributions should not exceed 20 000 characters including spaces.

Footnotes are not intended to cite literature and should be kept to a minimum. The footnote number should be placed contiguously after the punctuation mark. References should be cited in abbreviated form only in parentheses within the body of the text, as follows: (Saksida, 1992, p. 35).

In-text quotations are indicated by quotation marks and are in italics. Longer quotations (over five lines) should be paragraphed from the rest of the text (no quotation marks are needed in this case) in a 10-point font size. Omissions in a quotation are indicated by three dots between slashes.

Authors are cited in the text by their surname and year in brackets (separated by a comma).


Poleg tega, da grad ni bil prestižna stanovanjska lokacija, je bila v gradu med vojno še vojaška postojanka (Tomšič, 1988, p. 32) in tudi po vojni je bil »ves grad poln vojske« (Tomšič, 1998, p. 38), kar je pomenilo dodatno gradacijo bivalnega prostora, za otroke popolnoma neprimernega; ne nazadnje so bili otroci, ki so stanovali v gradu, na vsakem koraku izpostavljeni orožju /…/

If the same author or group of authors published several works in the same year, add a, b, c and so on to the year of publishing. The same rule should be applied to the list of sources at the end: Hanuš, 2023a, 2023b.

Citation of sources in the list of sources

General instruction

We cite sources according to APA 7 standards. The correct source can also be checked on Cobiss+ (the publication date and the page number in brackets next to the title are redundant).

In the list of sources, the titles are set in italics.

  • If an independent source is used (e.g. a book, e-book, report, bachelor's or master's thesis, doctoral dissertation, film, video, TV show, podcast, YouTube video, artwork, map, music album, unpublished manuscript), the title of the work is in italics.
  • When the source is part of a larger whole (e.g. a journal article, a newspaper article, a book chapter, an e-book chapter, a blog post, a TV episode, a website, a Twitter post, an encyclopaedia chapter, a Wikipedia chapter), the title of the sub-unit should not be italicised.
  • If an article in a journal or newspaper is used, we italicise the name of the magazine and the year.
  • If there is no data, we omit it and continue as the example shows. When writing the titles of monographs, parts of monographs and articles, we only use lower case letters, even if these are in a foreign language (e.g. Radical children's literature: future visions and aesthetic transformations in juvenile fiction).
  • Journal titles are capitalised according to the capitalization rules of the English language (Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology).
  • Electronic sources are cited in the same way as print sources. At the end, the location where the resource was obtained should be added (URL, DOI or URN).

Examples of common sources

Book by one to 20 authors

  • Saksida, I. (1992). Mladinska književnost pri pouku na razredni stopnji. Mladinska knjiga.
  • Haramija, D. and Batič, J. (2013). Poetika slikanice. Franc-Franc.

Book by over 20 authors

  • Gilbert, D. G., McClernon, J. F., Rabinovich, N. E., Sugai, C., Plath, L. C., Asgaard, G., … Botros, N. (2017). Effects of quitting smoking on stress. Routledge.

Three dots indicate the omission of the remaining authors except the last author. A space precedes and follows the three dots.

Citing sources with editors

  • Šauperl, A. (Ed.). (2008). Raziskovalne metode v bibliotekarstvu, informacijski znanosti in knjigarstvu. University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Library and Information Science and Book Studies.

Chapter in a book

  • Grilc, U. (2007). Knjiga in razvoj: knjiga kot ena temeljnih razvojnih kategorij družbe. In S. Rugelj (Ed.), Zgubljeno v prodaji (pp. 155–184). UMco.
  • Filipčič, T. & Štemberger, V. (2017). Prilagoditve pri ocenjevanju učenca s posebnimi potrebami pri predmetu šport. In T. Devjak & I. Saksida (Eds.), Kakovost in ocenjevanje znanja (pp. 61–70). University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education.

Article or paper in the collection of contributions from a conference, symposium or congress

  • Kramberger, D. (2006). Razvoj in dejavnost pionirskih knjižnic v Mariboru ter revija Otrok in knjiga. In D. Kramberger, M. Logar & D. Turjak (Eds.), Splet znanja in domišljije : zbornik ob petdesetletnici mladinskega knjižničarstva v Mariboru : 1953-2003 (pp. 11–78). Maribor Public Library.

Journal or newspaper article

  • Glazer, A. (1998). O Stritarjevem mladinskem delu. Otrok in knjiga, 25(46), 22–30.
  • Kolšek, P. (4. 8. 2012). Osebno s Slavkom Preglom: mož, ki je odpustil samega sebe. Delo, 54, p. 28.

Electronic sources

Personal communication

We do not cite personal communications in the list of sources, but only refer to the source in the text.

For example: N. Kralj (personal communication, 5 June 2019) says that ...


... (N. Kralj, personal communication, 5 June 2019).

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