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About the journal

Otrok in knjiga - A Child and a Book journal

Otrok in knjiga (Eng. Child and Book) is the only professional journal in Slovenia in the field of youth literature, literary education and book-related media. It was founded in 1971 with the aim of establishing youth literature as an important creative field that should be professionally and systematically treated and studied on an equal footing within the field of literary studies. In 1977, the original collection of studies was transformed into a journal with two issues a year, and since 2003, three issues a year have been published.

With our carefully planned concept and persistent work, the journal has succeeded in attracting important national and international experts for participation. The weight of its contributions has made it an indispensable companion for literary theorists, teachers, educators, librarians, editors and students.

Regular activities by the journal also include organising symposia, debates and round table discussions where the editors try to highlight current issues in the field of youth literature and show them from a different perspective while filling certain gaps in theory.

Database integration:

  • MLA International Bibliography, NY, USA
  • Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, R.R. Bowker, NY, USA
  • EBESCO Publishing, Inc.

Editor-in-Chief of the journal Otrok in knjiga: Dr. Andreja Erdlen

T: ++386 (0)2/23 52 100 (head office), ++386 (0)2/23 52 129

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